Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Backmasking Songs
  1. Yoko Ono- Kiss Kiss Kiss. The song forward is anta daiteyo and the backwards lyrics is "I shot John Lennon." This is just someone that didn't make sense.
  2. Pokemon Rap - Gotta chatch'em all. This song backwards is says I love Satan. this is hogwash.
  3. The Beatles- Im so tired Backwards it is saying paul is a dead man miss him miss him miss him. the Beatles did this so they could get more money for it being so wierd or they were just bored.
  4. The Beatles- Revolution 9 the song forwards is saying number nine. The song backwards is saying turn me on dead man. I think they did this is because they were ored or wanted to scare people.
  5. Hotel California-this song forwards says "in the middle of the night just to hear them say. This song backwards is saying that satan hears this and has me believe I think this is a total hogwash because they all the word satan in it.
  6. Decide-this song sounds exactly like the forward song.
  7. The Rutles-Piggy in the Middle is fake because it's the same thing as the forward song besides the satan part's.
  8. Wierd Al Yankovic-i think it is a coincidence because i don't think anyone one would put in a song backwards satan eats cheese whiz.
  9. United Nation-it is a hogwash because they have the same songs in it and it's not believeable.
  10. Tiger Army- this was just taken from a diffrent song i think they need to be more annymous.